School Family and Community Compact
Sarah Milner Elementary School
- SMES 23-24 Compact
- What is a Family-School Compact
- Sarah Milner's: Achieve our Personal Best
- Commitment
- Strive 2025: Thompson School District Strategic Plan
- Sarah Milner RAMS Commits to.....
SMES 23-24 Compact
What is a Family-School Compact
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together.
It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.
Effective Compacts
- Link to goals of the school improvement plan
- Focus on student learning skills
- Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction
- Share strategies parents can us at home
- Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
- Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom
- Effective compacts link to goals of the school improvement plan, share strategies parents can use at home and explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.
Sarah Milner's: Achieve our Personal Best
Respectfully Working Together to Achieve Our Personal Best
Sarah Milner staff, students, and parents will work together to help each individual acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that will enable each to function to his/her potential, develop self-esteem, and continue learning throughout life in order to be a contributing member of a constantly changing society.
Academic Focus Points
Focus Area 1: Streamline Professional Learning Commitments
What it means: provide teachers with job embedded work in relation to planning, teaching, and reflecting on student work for next steps in instruction.
Focus Area 2: Strengthen Connection between Professional Learning and Curriculum Resources
What it means: support teachers to capitalize on district provided material in their planning, implementation and reflection.
Focus Area 3: Student Ownership of Thinking and Working
What it means: increase the amount of time students are owning the thinking and improve engagement levels.
Focus Area 4: Engage Families with Communication
What it means: fostering a school culture that is a welcoming partnership to improve academic success and social progress.
At school, we commit to…
- Create a welcoming, safe and orderly learning environment
- Provide high quality curriculum and instruction aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards
- Provide additional assistance to students who are performing below benchmarks
- Extend learning for students who have mastered grade level materials
- Support the partnership among parents, students, community and staff.
- Maintain communication with parents regarding their child's progress
- Know, respect your child and do our best to meet his/her individual needs.
At home, we commit to…
- Prioritize school attendance by helping students get to school on time each day
- Ensure my student gets adequate sleep and proper nutrition
- Talk to my student about school daily, while insuring daily reading or basic math computation practice
- Support my child’s emotional, physical and social needs
- Encourage positive relationships between students and teachers, staff, other students, and families within SMES Community
Activities to Build Partnerships
- Field Trips
- Class Parties
- Attend Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Parent Readers
- Clerical Support
- Field Day
- Fall Carnival
All Volunteers are required to register with the district and pass a background check before being allowed to volunteer in the school.
Strive 2025: Thompson School District Strategic Plan
Focus Area 1: Student Achievement
By 2025 Thompson School District will move from a rating of accredited to a rating of accredited with distinction as measured by the State of Colorado District Performance Framework.
Focus Area 2: Inclusive and Supportive Culture
By 2025 as measured by survey results Thompson School District will increase by 10% the number of students, staff, parents and community members who “strongly agree” or “agree” that they feel welcomed, safe and supported.
Focus Area 3: Human Talent
Thompson School District will maintain an annual staff retention rate of 85% or greater.
Focus Area 4: Stewardship of Resources
Thompson School District will maintain fiscal solvency through an annual balanced budget while meeting the current and future needs of the district.
Sarah Milner RAMS Commits to.....
Be Kind
Social skills and
- Respect
- Empathy
- Cooperation
Be Strong
Executive functioning:
focusing, organizing,
- Responsibility
- Perseverence
- Courage
Be Well
Wellness strategies:
emotion regulation
- Gratitude
- Honesty
- Creativity
- Attend school regularly and be on time
- Ask for help in class when needed
- Show our RAM Pride daily… Respect, Achieve, My Personal Best
- Give information I receive at school to my parents or guardians
- Learn and Show the Character Strong attributes daily to other RAMS, our teachers and support staff at Sarah Milner